Helios leading the UK solar market in applying correct temperature water

Capitalising on their status as being the UK’s only solar panel cleaning company that match the temperature of the water to that of hot solar panels, Helios conducted two experiments on the temperature of solar panels on the UK’s hottest day of the year when the thermometer reached 32.5°C.

For well ventilated panels situated in a field, Helios recorded a temperature of 55°C, a test panel they use reached 67°C!

To clean the panels at these temperatures, the water being used on them should be within 15°C to avoid thermal shock to the panels. If your solar panel cleaning company were to use cold water to clean the panels in this temperature, they would risk cracking your panels.

Check out the videos here https://www.linkedin.com/posts/robert-harley-8471a011_hottest-day-of-the-year-so-far-so-what-activity-6681979494653313024–UcC


and call Helios today on 01525 632238 and discover how Helios are the only solar panel cleaning company in the UK that can guarantee to prevent thermal shock to your panels.

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